Etsy shop DesignerFurnituresIn sells these carved wooden animal beds, and they’re just the thing to add a bit of wild decor to your bedroom. Available in lion, tiger, bear (oh my!), giraffe, and cheetah varieties, they’re sure to let everyone who sees your bed know you’d rather be on safari. Or that you have more money than you know what to do with, it could go either way.

Made to order out of solid wood in the bed size of your choice, prices start around $4,100 for a twin and up to $5,600 for a California king. Me? I sleep on a queen. Only the tiniest sliver of the left side, though, my wife and dogs have laid claim to the rest. It’s cool, I still manage to get some covers some nights.

Is this the bed for you? Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t. It’s definitely the bed for somebody, though. Probably Tarzan. I imagine it’s difficult adjusting to life in the city and bringing a piece of the jungle into the bedroom might just be the ticket. It’s like how after I moved from L.A. I had to go to bed watching COPS because I couldn’t fall asleep without the sirens.

[via Toxel]
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