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Artist Crafts Intricate Dragon Skeleton Using 3D Drawing Pen

Inspired by a plastic dragon model he found at an antique store (not sure that qualifies as an antique, but I’ll look past it), woodcarver and artist Bobby Duke decided to try his skilled hands at creating an even better version using a 3D drawing pen. This was Bobby’s first attempt using a 3D printing pen to create something, and the result can only be described as worlds better than I could ever do.

Bobby uses the 3D printing pen to create the individual bone shapes using traces from the original, then finishes them with a rotary tool. Lastly, he assembles the skeleton and provides it with a nice, lightly-weathered finish so the bones aren’t so snow-white and plastic-looking. An absolutely imperative step if he plans on trying to convince people this is an actual miniature dragon skeleton like I would.

Seeing the final result, I never would have guessed this started as a 3D drawing project. And not just because all my 3D drawing projects end up looking like dried spaghetti, but the learning curve for these pens is steep. That, or I have zero skill. Knowing me, presumably the latter.

[via Laughing Squid]

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