A perfect stocking stuffer or White Elephant gift, the Bookie Cushion from Fred is a small whoopie cushion designed to be squeezed between the pages of a book. Obviously, it’s most appropriate for books like Margaret Mitchell’s Gone with the Wind or Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury. Available on Amazon (affiliate link), the bookmark is sure to bring an immature chuckle every time you close your book for the night.

Me? I don’t use a bookmark; I just fold the page I’m on in half to easily find it later. It’s always worked just fine for me. My wife says I should start using a bookmark and has even bought me several, but she says all sorts of crazy things, like I shouldn’t use car wash soap when I shower. But I’ve never been so shiny! She also says those little pine tree air fresheners weren’t meant to be worn as necklaces. We… disagree on a lot of things.
[via DudeIWantThat]
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