The Pipersong Meditation Desk Chair is a desk chair designed for sitting cross-legged at your computer, so you can get your work done and align your chakras simultaneously. MULTI-TASKING. Not only is the chair suitable for cross-legged sitting, but also a variety of other unorthodox seated/kneeling/squatting positions so you can “activate your sit” or switch between numerous positions without the need for more chairs. Me? I’m lying in bed right now.

The chair is available on Amazon (affiliate link) in four colors and features 4″ of vertical adjustment in the seat, as well as a footstool with 360-degrees of swivel motion, so it can be placed to the side or behind you in the event you want to sit traditional style. Alternatively, greet coworkers crouched on your desk like a tiger about to attack. HR loves it when I do that.

Hey, whatever increases blood flow and prevents my legs from going numb, I’m all for. I hate walking on numb legs. Honestly, I hate walking in general. I mean, where the hell are the hoverboards Back to the Future II promised we’d have by 2015? You lied to me, Robert Zemeckis!

[via DudeIWantThat]
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