Grogu (aka Baby Yoda, The Child) was the breakaway star of The Mandalorian. Everybody loves him, and I’m sure Disney is quite happy with their little alien investment, particularly in the merchandising department, where I suspect executives are using $100 bills to light cigars even as you read this. And continuing to cash in on the Baby Yoda money train is this $200 Grogu Hugger from comfortable furniture maker Yogibo.

The giant Grogu measures approximately 3.5′ tall with a 67″ diameter, and features a removable and washable stretch-fabric exterior, with a polyesters/spandex filling firm enough to be sat on like a beanbag chair. Just make sure to stock up on extra frog eggs, because this big boy looks like he can eat a lot of them.

Will I be watching the next season of The Mandalorian from the comfort of my new Grogu Hugger? I suppose that depends on whether or not Santa has deemed me worthy of his nice list and brings me one. I don’t have high hopes though. Or any hopes at all really. It’s like he’s completely scrubbed my address from his delivery manifest.
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