Because why shouldn’t I add a bit of piano accompaniment to the natural percussion I produce on the toilet, FireBox is selling this $18 Toilet Piano. The foot-operated piano features a full octave of keys (13 – 8 white, 5 black) so I can vainly attempt to cover the sounds I’m making in the bathroom while party guests knock on the door and politely ask me to hurry up. I hate being rushed!

The roll-out Toilet Piano is powered by 3 AAA batteries and includes both a songbook and ‘DO NOT DISTURB’ sign to let the rest of your family know that your private music lessons are currently in session, and it’s probably best not to enter the bathroom for another thirty minutes after they’ve concluded. Good lord, light a match or something!

Obviously, I plan on recreating the scene at FAO Schwarz from Big where Tom Hanks and Robert Loggia play ‘Heart and Soul’ and ‘Chopsticks’ on the giant foot piano, except in my own bathroom. Now, I just need to find a partner…
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