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Sony Drops a Gigantic God of War Axe in London

Because bigger is always better (except in the case of a tax bill, and a million other things now that I think about it), Sony recently had an absolutely massive replica of Kratos’ Leviathan Axe from God of War Ragnarök on display along London’s Southbank. Wow, no wonder he’s nicknamed the God slayer – he could probably take out several with just one swing of that thing!

Part of Sony’s Live From PS5 marketing campaign to advertise the now more readily available PS5 console, PlayStation is highlighting some of its biggest (and system exclusive) games, like the God of War series. I’m a huge fan – of the PS5 in general, but God of War games specifically.

I’m actually about halfway (~30 hours) through the new game, and I’m loving every second of it. Well, except when I die three-quarters of the way through a boss battle and have to start over from the beginning. Sure, I could enable the game’s boss battle checkpoints, but isn’t yelling and trying to break your controller part of the experience?

[via PushSquare]

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