You know what your Google Home smart device has been missing? Muscles. Mine? Mine has been missing ever being taken out of the package after I received it as a gift because I don’t like being listened to all the time. Even my wife only pays attention to about half of what I say, and she could probably tune that back to about a quarter because the majority of what comes out of my mouth is nonsense and/or burping. Hey Google – add antacid tablets to my shopping list.

Google Home Muscles from Etsy seller 3DPrintThatThing is a $20 set of 3D printed muscles for your Google Home smart device (also for purchase as a 3D printing file on Cults3D for $4 if you own your 3D printer). Now, if you could only change the voice of your Google Home to Arnold Schwarzenegger. Available in black, white, blue, red, and green, Google Muscles is still sure to be a conversation starter. A conversation that presumably starts with, “Hey, are you okay? What’s wrong with you?”
[via DudeIWantThat]
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