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These R2-D2 Leggings Are a Good Motivator

It’s been a few months since I’ve seen R2-D2 rolling around, but the last thing I remember, he was still shaped like a garbage can on wheels. Well, I guess our little Astromech droid has been hitting the gym because he’s looking quite slim and leggy these days.

Oh, what’s that, you say? That’s not the real R2-D2, but a model showing off her stylish R2-D2 leggings? I guess that makes more sense.

I found these leggings among Etsy shop FringeGeek’s many fun and fanciful wearables, including Wesley Crusher sweater shorts, Ace Ventura’s striped pants, and a Sexy Candy Corn Dress. But I digress. We’re here to talk about this R2 unit. I must have been distracted by some kind of Jedi mind trick.

The stretchy R2-D2 leggings are made from 82% polyester and 18% spandex, which is what all droids are made of. Though I have it on good authority that they’re actually 81.98% polyester and 18.02% spandex because C-3PO had to correct me. That’s what he does. Also, a hologram might shoot out of your butt if you wear these. If these are the leggings you’re looking for, you can grab a pair over on Etsy for $44.99.

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