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Machine Learning Robot Assembles 4,000-Piece All-White Jigsaw Puzzle

Constructed by brilliant engineer Shane Wighton of Stuff Made Here, Jigzilla is a jigsaw puzzle assembling robot that uses machine learning to determine which pieces fit together and where. In the video, Jigzilla tackles a custom 4,000-piece all-white jigsaw puzzle made by Shane and manages to complete the whole thing except for the very last row. Close, but no cigar, Jigzilla!

First, Shane used a telecentric lens to photograph all the puzzle pieces. Then, the photos were processed to determine the exact shape of each piece’s four individual sides and recreate the puzzle in its computer brain. Then, Jigzilla was set loose to reassemble the maddening puzzle, being fed a piece at a time and putting it in the correct place. Me? I would have just jammed the pieces together, even if they didn’t fit.

Personally, I always have a jigsaw puzzle I’m working on laid out on the kitchen table. Ever since COVID hit, I’ve been completing a 1,000-piece puzzle every week or two. AND eating dinner from the comfort of the sofa instead of the kitchen table. My wife’s not a huge fan.

[via TechEBlog]

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