Because high fashion is something I probably won’t ever understand, Studio Cult is selling rings that resemble tiny swimming pools. Available in Blood Bath and Skinny Dipping varieties, the $375 silver rings feature little resin-filled pools, complete with a ladder and diving board. And just $375 apiece? I only wish I had twelve fingers so I could wear more than ten.

I’m not sure about the Blood Bath version (it’s a little morbid for me), but I could see myself wearing the Skinny Dipping one and daydreaming about it being summer in the middle of winter. I keep telling my wife we should move somewhere warmer, but she keeps reminding me moving costs money, and I refuse to part with my Beanie Baby collection. They’re going to make a comeback; you just watch.

Different strokes for different folks, that’s my motto. Maybe you’ve been waiting your whole adult life for a little $375 swimming pool ring filled with blood. Who am I to judge? I mean, don’t get me wrong, I totally am, but who am I to? I’m just a guy waiting for them to make a hot tub version.

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