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Lickable Monitor Tastes Like What’s on Screen: Willy Wonka, Here We Come!

Because some people still care about making the future we all dreamed about as kids a reality, professor Homei Miyashita at Meiji University in Japan has developed a monitor that can imitate on-screen flavors, appropriately naming it Taste The TV (TTTV). I just licked my own old television set to test it, but it appears to be a regular TV and not a TTTV. Tastes like static.

Using a carousel of ten different flavor canisters, the TTTV can mix the basic flavor building blocks in different proportions to create a variety of tastes, which it dispenses via spray on a hygienic film overlaying a flatscreen. But do the snozzberries really taste like snozzberries?

Miyashita estimates a retail version would cost around $835 to produce, and I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised to see them in the Hammacher Schlemmer catalog before next Christmas. I only hope they figure out what taste an explosion leaves in your mouth so they can make action movies that much more real.

[via 9gag]

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