Life as a college student can be so hectic that finding time for self-care becomes challenging. Students transitioning from high school must deal with bigger academic workloads, more assignments, greater responsibilities, and tons of financial problems. It is, therefore, not surprising that more than 30% of college students drop out of school prematurely.
While money may be tight in college, you must understand that living healthy and succeeding on a budget is possible. Here are some tips to help you adjust your lifestyle accordingly:
![Living Well On A Budget: Useful Lifestyle Tips For College Student](
Sleep Well
The importance of sleep for optimal health and improved academic performance cannot be underestimated. College students often have many things demanding their attention, and sometimes minimizing sleep or pulling all-nighters seems like the only way to get projects completed. However, recent studies have shown that getting enough sleep is crucial to feeling alert and awake during the day. According to the evidence, two weeks of sleeping less than six hours can diminish your performance to levels like someone who has missed sleep for more than 48 hours concurrently.
Sleep deprivation can mess up your academic performance by inhibiting your ability to remember concepts. You will struggle to concentrate when studying or attending lectures and will be less productive when working on assignments. Evidence also shows a relationship between sleep quality and memory, with scholars indicating that sleep allows your brain to consolidate and store information gleaned during the day. So, getting custom research paper writing service so you can spend more time sleeping benefits your academics in more ways than you know.
The side effects of sleep on academics all point towards the significance of slumber on brain function. Getting adequate sleep is crucial for the communication among the nerve cells in your brain. This means that the human brain processes the work done during wakefulness when one is asleep.
Sleep also helps your physical health. According to evidence, there is a relationship between sleep and immune function. This means that healthy sleeping habits help your body prevent infections and help you feel rested and energetic. Sleep also helps with weight management as people who are sleep deprived tend to crave unhealthy foods. Most importantly, sleep affects your alertness, meaning that lacking sleep exposes you to a greater risk of accidents and physical danger. So, despite your hectic schedule, you need to make quality sleep a priority, making sure to get at least seven hours of uninterrupted slumber each night.
Eat Healthy Food
One of the best things you do as a college student is to eat healthily. We understand that finances may be limited right now, but you cannot succeed without proper nutrition. What you eat determines your physical and mental health. You need the energy to keep up with those hectic schedules and commitments. The food you eat also helps with weight management and is crucial since evidence shows that way too many students are struggling with obesity. Your food also determines your immune system strength and ability to prevent diseases like hypertension and diabetes.
You don’t have to spend huge sums to eat healthy food. All you need is a meal plan that helps you decide your food and nutrient content a week before. Having a budget ensures that you prioritize your food and spend reasonable amounts on good food. You can save on food by cooking with a friend and shopping for ingredients in bulk. Watch your portions and always include fruits and vegetables in your diet. Avoid fast foods and carbonated drinks.
Exercise Regularly
The importance of exercise for health and well-being cannot be underestimated. Students need physical activity to get rid of extra calories and maintain a healthy weight. Exercise also helps in preventing certain lifestyle diseases like obesity and hypertension. Evidence also shows that regular exercise benefits your immune system, strengthening your ability to fight off infections. Furthermore, activity allows you to focus your thoughts and breathing, helping with stress management. In a direct relationship to your academics, exercise improves your ability to concentrate on tasks and enhances memory.
Understand that the effectiveness of exercise is more about regularity than intensity. This means that you don’t have to join a gym or perform exhausting activities to exercise. Simple routines like riding bikes or taking the stairs can be useful when performed regularly. Remember, exercise will also help improve the quality of your sleep if you don’t do it too close to bedtime.
Build Social Support
Experts agree that having a strong social support system is crucial for your physical and mental health. Stress is an undeniable part of college life, but too much stress can negatively impact your emotional and physical health. More than 40% of college students report being under excessive stress. Having emotional support is a crucial source of protection and helps students cope with the pressures of college.
Social support comes with numerous benefits as perceived social support helps you cope with challenges and improve your self-esteem. Having emotionally supportive friends and family will help improve your sense of autonomy. That said, social skills don’t come naturally for most people.
Students need to actively work towards improving their social networks. Be proactive and reach out to people within your social and academic circles. Cast your net wide and have as many friends as possible. Look to different relationships for different types of support. Remember to look for people you can confide in while avoiding negative interactions that could be bad for your well-being. Technology can help you build your social support system, allowing you to engage people beyond your geographic boundaries.
This article highlights a few lifestyle tips for college students. Understand that, while money may be tight, your well-being should be your number one priority. Eat healthy meals, exercise regularly, and prioritize quality sleep. You should also work on your social support systems and build healthy and supportive relationships. Most importantly, remember to stay hydrated and drink lots of water.
Featured image by jcomp on Freepik.
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