The brainchild of forward-thinking NYC designer Nik Bentel, these leather handbags were created to hold very specific foods. In this case, a single slice of pizza and a hotdog. Although it looks like the hot dog handbag can also carry a glass soda bottle or condiments like ketchup or mustard. Pretty much anything long and cylindrical, although you won’t find anything but hot dogs in my handbag.
Will your pizza or dog be exposed to the elements? Yes. Could it potentially be sneezed on? Also yes. But it will look very fancy while it’s collecting germs, so that’s something. Something I just found out isn’t actually available for sale. A shame if you ask me because buying ridiculous products is in my wheelhouse.
Personally, my only complaint is the carrying capacity of the bags. I rarely want a single dog or slice of pizza; my stomach demands multiple. Now, if there was a fancy leather handbag that could carry two hotdogs with two slices of pizza dangling below, well, you’ve got yourself a customer.
[via Laughing Squid]
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