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Cat-Proof Toilet Paper Holder Prevents Feline Wastefulness

Cats: they love unraveling toilet paper from the roll and then shredding it on the bathroom floor. It’s a natural fact. One I’ve been dealing with for the majority of my life. And here, to help curb a cat’s instinctual wastefulness comes this cat-proof toilet paper holder (affiliate link). It allegedly prevents cats from tearing up all your precious TP by enclosing the roll in a cat-proof container. We’ve come so far!

While I admire the thought and effort that went into this, I have the sneaking suspicion that if any toilet paper is left exposed, my cats will empty the roll into the floor, then roll around in it as Scrooge McDuck swims through his money.

Did I buy one? Yes. Do I have faith it’ll work unless I leave the entire roll hidden in the holder, without a single square of toilet paper exposed for grabbing? Not at all. When it comes to destruction, my cats are vigilant. And thorough.

[via DudeIWantThat]

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