Because whose guest bathroom doesn’t have a medieval or pirate theme that demands more skulls and sword decorations, Brazilian luxury bathroom accessory designer Vallvé has created a line of just that. Now I know what you’re thinking, and I’m thinking the exact same thing: “Finally!”

The sword is made from stainless steel and brass, while the skull is cast from resin, polished to a gloss finish. A sword-in-skull towel rack will set you back around $1,100, a toilet paper holder $1,400, and a toilet brush $1,450. I’m not going to lie; those were not the prices I was expecting. I thought maybe something more in the $30 – 40 range, which still felt expensive, albeit doable if I juggled some money around in my accounts.

I know I say it often, but I want to meet the person who has actually bought these. And I want them to invite me over to their house. Then I’ll excuse myself to the bathroom and, last, be seen running from the home with a skull-sword toilet brush in my hand.

[via IfItsHipItsHere]
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