Because plants occasionally like to get down and party just like the rest of us, Firebox is selling these Disco Ball Hanging Planters. Covered with a traditional disco ball mosaic of mirrored tiles, your plants are sure to thank you for the new digs. Think of them as party pants, but for plants.

Just point a grow spotlight at it, and not only will your plants benefit from the light, but the planter will cast a thousand shimmering sparkles across the room! Add a motor to rotate the planter slowly, and you’ve got yourself a plant party every fern and pothos in the house will wish they were invited to.

Available in 6″ and 8″ sizes suitable for most small houseplants, they’re unfortunately not available in a giant 20″ size suitable for my Monstera Deliciosa. That’s a shame because I know that plant is just dying to party. Or maybe just dying. I can’t tell if I’m overwatering or underwatering it, but it’s definitely not doing too hot.
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