I don’t know how to put it then to say that the Clone-A-Willy Do-It-Yourself Penis and Balls Molding Kit is essentially a dildo maker. It lets you clone your own dick or maybe someone else’s, for somebody else’s pleasure, or perhaps for your own? Hey, I am not judging…
Not sure who’s dick you are going to use but you do need to find a “donor” dick (yourself, perhaps, or your partner’s?) and make a mold of it, and then, well, form a clone of said Johnson.
The end product will be a spitting image of your or whoever’s penis, complete with vibrator action – thanks to the included bullet vibrator which you have to embed into the DIY fake dick in the development process.
The kit consists of a casting mold powder made from high-grade alginate derived from seaweed with medical-grade platinum cure silicone which was described as the gold standard of sex toys.
If done correctly, you will enjoy an exact replica of your dick (or whoever volunteered the dick). But we heard the process ain’t easy. Some failed to clone their dick. It must have been devastating for those who failed.
Having said that, if you are bold enough to take the step to clone your dong, you may pick up the Clone-A-Willy Do-It-Yourself Penis and Balls Molding Kit from Amazon for US$55.70.
P.S. We added an “LoL” tag because we find this fun and funny. Don’t get offended if you don’t feel the same way. Cheers!
P.P.S We don’t care. It’s funny, alright.
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Images: Empire Labs.
via Dude.
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