Been looking all over for the perfect coffee table to compliment your candy-themed living room? Well, look no further, my eccentric friend, because Etsy seller ServedSweett has created the $1,697 Original Candy Coffee Table Ⓒ. I don’t know about you, but I feel like I need like ten cavities filled just looking at it. Although it probably would be handy to have around in the event of the apocalypse since you could always chisel some candy out for a snack.

Each 44″L x 22″W x 19″ H coffee table is made of candy-filled resin approximately 1.5″ thick, with whatever candy is available at the time of your order. Or you can even suggest specific candy or a particular color palette. But you can suggest the addition of beef jerky? I’m still awaiting the response to my email.

Willy Wonka would be proud. Or maybe disappointed there isn’t any Wonka brand candy in the table. And even if there was Wonka brand candy in the table, he would probably be proud you used his brand but disappointed you didn’t eat the candy and made a table out of it instead. He’s a complicated man. One who yelled at me for trying to take a bite out of his hand to see if he’s made of chocolate. He’s not, just to be clear.

[via DudeIWantThat]
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