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Sony aibo Black Sesame Edition Arrives At The U.S., Along With Food And Water Bowls

Almost four years since the limited release of Sony aibo stateside, Sony has announced a new Black Sesame Edition Litter. Originally released in Japan in January 2021, the Sony aibo Black Sesame Edition Litter is the second color variation of the robodog in the U.S.

Sony aibo Black Sesame Edition Litter

On contrary to its name, it is not actually black like black sesame. As you see from the image, it sports a unique dark gray color body with white accents. But the difference between this new colorway and the original is more than meets the eye because the Sony aibo Black Sesame Edition comes with four exclusive eye colors (see what I did there?) not found with the standard white version.

Beyond that, the Sony aibo Black Sesame Edition Litter is pretty much the same as the original. Like the white model, each unit does come with a three-year AI Cloud Plan, charging station (charging stand + charging mat), AC adapter, power cord, and a special pink ball for, you know, playtime.

Sony aibo Black Sesame Edition Litter

The robo pup is, of course, app-enabled, allowing you to stay connected to your robot pet, add new behavior and tricks, and whatnot.

Along with Sony aibo Black Sesame Edition Litter, Sony also introduced the aibo Food Bowl and aibo Water Bowl. And no, you do not actually need to feed aibo which I thought is the whole idea of owning a robot dog.

However, if you are so inclined, the aibo Food Bowl and the aibo Water Bowl are available to let you feed aibo virtual meals or treats, and watch it eat out of a bowl. You can use AR to see the “food”.

Sony aibo Food and Water Bowl

If the notion of seeing a robo dog “eat” excites you, you are probably better off owning a real dog. Just saying… That said, will Sony give aibo an upgrade to enable it to poop too? So you can collect the virtual poop? Just thinking out loud here.

Now for the price… if you are thinking that aibo should be a tad more affordable four years on. Well, sadly, no. The Sony aibo Black Sesame Edition Litter is going at the same price as it did four years ago, at US$2,899.99 (!). As for the bowls, they are US$19.99 each.

Sony aibo Food and Water Bowl

Images: Sony Electronics [US].

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