There’s nothing quite like telling stories around a campfire. But what if you’re inside? And what if you don’t have a fireplace like me? Enter Tasmanian artist Duncan Meerding’s beautifully crafted Cracked Log Lamps, salvaged pieces of wood that he’s outfitted with a lightbulb socket inside so they glow warmly through the cracks. Quick, you turn the log on, I’ll run out and get the ingredients to make s’mores!

Duncan is legally blind with only 5% of his sight remaining, so he works in the medium of light and shadow because they’re still elements he can perceive and harness with his limited visibility. Work with what you’ve got – my dad always used to tell me that, but I never knew what it meant until now. A much more profound message than I gave it credit for at the time.

The logs are available with a natural or charred finish and cost around $270 apiece, meaning I’ll probably try making my own for cheaper and failing miserably before deciding to buy one professionally crafted by Duncan. I only hope I don’t accidentally burn the house down during my little learning experience.
[via DudeIWantThat]
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