Helping prove there is very little you can’t build out of cardboard and ingenuity, YouTuber The S took it upon himself to construct the Ultra Giga Launcher, a cardboard weapon capable of firing three gas-powered projectiles. The actual rockets are plastic bottles with fins attached, with the gas inside ignited when he chooses the launching tube via selector switch, and presses the ignitor button. I want my own so badly!

The S uses a WAINLUX L6 10W Laser Cutter for making the precision cardboard cuts, which is probably worlds better than using a pair of dull scissors like I will be when I make my own cardboard rocket launcher. I have the feeling mine will probably not be turning out as good as this one.

I remember when we were kids we ran around shooting each other with rubber bands on our index fingers and thumbs. Then one Christmas we upgraded to NERF guns. Could you imagine if we’d had gas-powered cardboard rocket launchers at our disposal? If you can imagine the sofa on fire, you can!
[via The Awesomer]
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