Dissatisfied with the lack of personality in a regular Amazon Alexa device, YouTuber Workshop Nation went and modded one into a much more disconcerting animatronic version that’s giving me creepy Furby vibes. I suppose it was only a matter of time until somebody did it; I was just hoping that matter of time would have been longer.

The device has face-tracking technology so it can follow you with its eyes (greaaat), as well as an oscilloscope-style television mouth that moves as it talks. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a cool build; I’m just not sure I’d want it sitting by my bed at night watching me sleep.
I personally don’t have any virtual assistant technology in use around my home because I don’t want anything listening to me all the time and stealing my secrets. I have a wealth of classified information in my head, and I’m notorious for thinking out loud. The price the government would pay for the things I know! At least ten bucks, although they could probably bargain me down to five.
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