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Giant Realistic Squid Made Entirely Out of Chocolate

They say, “dream it, and you can achieve it” (especially if you have some degree of advanced skill.) With that in mind, chef Amaury Guichon of the Pastry Academy in Las Vegas went and constructed a surprisingly realistic squid entirely out of edible chocolate. How about that! Save a choco-tentacle for me, chef.

The sculpture includes a giant anchor and chain (also made entirely of chocolate) that the squid appears to be tugging, presumably pulling an unfortunate ship down to Davy Jones’ locker. Definitely not how I want to go – I’d much rather drown trying to drink my way out of Willy Wonka’s chocolate river.

Equally as impressive as the sculpture are those chocolate machines Amaury uses that appear to dispense liquid chocolate with just the push of a button. I don’t know about you, but I need one of those. And if you think I didn’t just haul my refrigerator to the curb so I can install one in its place, well, you’ve seriously underestimated my sweet teeth. That’s right, not just one – they’re ALL sweet.

[via Laughing Squid]

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