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A Guide To Choosing The Right Style Of Crowd Control Stanchions

Whether it’s a corporate function or a public gathering, every event will always have its share of problems. Anyone who has ever attended an event will agree that the long lines at the restrooms and other exhibitions can be hard to control for the organizing committee.

A Guide To Choosing The Right Style Of Crowd Control Stanchions
Image: Unsplash (Michał Parzuchowski).

Even more frustrating are the bottlenecked pathways that get you stuck in one spot for about five minutes or keep you from getting your hands on that particular product everyone’s been raving about. When these problems get out of hand, it becomes a matter of safety and security for both the event organizers and the attendees. It is when crowd control stanchions come in handy.

These are used to help you secure a space for a particular event or activity. You can use them to section off a particular area or walkway in an event with many people.

Even in places with no security threat, you can use stanchions to establish lines for purchasing products and the like.

Different Types of Crowd Control Stanchions

Before you purchase crowd control stanchions, it is essential that you correctly identify what kind of line you’ll need.

Listed below are some examples of crowd control stanchions and the corresponding lines they help create:

Single-Line Crowd Control Stanchions (Straight)

These hold up banners or signs with messages like “Wet Paint” or “No Entry.” You can use these on building sites, amusement parks, and other places where you want to keep people “out.”

They are also great for blocking off areas that need protection.

Single-Line Crowd Control Stanchions (Curved)

These stanchions are used for setting up lanes. These can help control lines at ticketing booths or concession stands. It is much easier to manage crowds coming in different directions with these.

Double-Line Crowd Control Stanchions (Straight)

With these, you can set up two lines for people to follow, each line going in a separate direction. It works well when you want people to enter or exit an area from different points of entry/exit. These can be used in foyers, buildings, and so on.

Double-Line Crowd Control Stanchions (Curved)

It is similar to the straight version with one significant difference: instead of being two separate lines, it’s a broad space that allows people to walk down the center between the two lines already set up.

It is excellent for providing a safe passage to the event site or a particular building and providing access points to different areas of a large venue.

Alternating Single-Line Crowd Control Stanchions

These stanchions have two posts, with one line running from top to bottom and another from side to side. These are used to barricade off a particular space and keep people from passing through.

You can use these to keep large crowds back or set them up before an object you want to protect.

Alternating Double-Line Crowd Control Stanchions

Like the single alternating line, this type of stanchion has two lines running side by side in its design. These control a larger crowd and prevent them from gathering in one spot for too long.

They can be found at the entrances of buildings, foyers, or other large areas where people congregate and cause problems.

Combination Crowd Control Stanchions

These stanchions have a combination of two or more types of lines. You can use these for various purposes as long as you know the different combinations and how they work to control a crowd.

A Guide To Choosing The Right Style Of Crowd Control Stanchions
Image: Unsplash (Lisanto).

How To Choose the Right Stanchions?

Here are the essential features to look for when purchasing crowd control stanchions.

Consider the Size

Not all crowd control stanchions are created equal, so it is best to know what height will work best for the area where they will be used. For example, if you want to set up a line in front of an entrance that people will walk down while waiting for their turn to enter, you will need stanchions of a height low enough to see over easily.

Color Coding

According to reports, the National Fire Protection Association’s 101 Life Safety Code is considered the gold standard for crowd safety in the US.
You can use the color coding on your crowd control stanchions to direct foot traffic or designate specific areas. A good example would be the “Wet Paint” signs common at building sites.
In that case, you have a green line for those entering the work area and a red line for those who should not be entering.

Specific Uses

You can purchase different types of crowd control stanchions for specific purposes. It will allow you to use them more effectively, and they will also last longer without having to be replaced as often.

Featured image: Unsplash (Melanie Pongratz).

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