Traveling solo might be one of the scariest, but most exhilarating things you can ever do. Taking a leap into the unknown without the safety net of your friends or family is pretty tough. Yet, everybody who has ever gone solo traveling has said it’s the best thing they’ve ever done. It’s truly an eye-opening, life-changing experience.
If you’re looking for somewhere that will capture you with its beauty, the Philippines is the perfect place to take your first solo trip. To ensure your traveling through Southeast Asia goes safely and smoothly, here are some top tips to take on board.
Choose Safe Accommodation
Whether you’re staying in a condo for rent in Pasig or a single room in a hotel in Manila, you need to take careful consideration where you stay. Not only does it need to be secure for your safety, but also to protect your belongings while you’re out and about.
Even cheaper accommodation can be extremely safe and secure, so you don’t have to spend a fortune. But doing your research on the place before you stay there is going to make all the difference. Read the ratings and reviews from previous guests to see what they enjoyed and what they disliked.
Stay in Touch
Loneliness is one of the worst parts of solo travel. Even if you’re a lone wolf, you might find yourself starting to seriously miss your loved one back at home. Make sure to stay in regular contact with your friends and family. Let them know you’re okay and chat about what you’ve been up to. This will help you to feel more connected to home throughout your trip.
Learn the Local Language
One of the most challenging parts of traveling to the Philippines is being unable to communicate with the locals. By learning the basics of the language where you’re staying, you will be able to chat with others and show your interest in their culture.
Challenge Yourself
Solo travel is enough of a challenge in itself, but it’s important to still set small challenges and goals for yourself while you’re away. Explore new locations, try new dishes, join in on an exciting event. These small challenges will make your solo travel experience extra special and memorable.
Take Lots of Photos
You’re going to want something to keep your solo travel memories in your head forever. Taking a bunch of photos with your camera is going to enable your memories to live on, and you can share them with your loved ones back at home. Every interesting architectural structure you walk past, every cute shop, every gorgeous landscape. Grab a quick shot with your camera to capture those special moments!
Chat to the Locals
If you’re staying somewhere for at least a couple of weeks, get to know the locals. Once you’ve learned the basics of the language, you will be able to communicate with them. You can learn more about the local culture and gain a true, life-changing experience when you make the effort to integrate yourself into the area where you’re staying. They will also be able to inform you of the most exciting areas to explore or the best tour guides to join. You never know, you might make some new life-long friends!
Featured image: Pexels (Jeff Guab).
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